Worship Ministries

In the Episcopal tradition, the laity at Church of Our Saviour play an important role in the life of our congregation. We are very much a spiritual family, and as in any family, our strength is built on our members' participation. This extends not only to our outreach efforts and governance of our congregation, but directly to the altar where lay ministers perform a variety of duties in support of our worship together.  

Altar Guild members prepare the altar for the service and clean the altar after the service.  They keep altar supplies up to date and clean.

Greeters  are the first face you see upon entering the church, welcoming you to the service.

Ushers perform a variety of duties to help the service go smoothly, including greeting and providing a service leaflet, collecting and counting the offering, and guiding attendees to the communion rail.

Lectors read the appointed lessons.

Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People.

Acolytes  are youth who carry the cross and candles in the procession to and from the altar, and assist at the altar.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed members who read the appointed psalms and serve the chalice to communicants.