Church of Our Saviour is a parish of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, which is part of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and in turn a part of the world-wide Anglican Communion.

The Diocese of New Hampshire is led by the Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld the tenth Bishop of New Hampshire. New Hampshire is one of the 120 dioceses in the country.

The Episcopal Church has a storied history and beautiful liturgy of several forms as found in the Book of Common Prayer. Members include people of many and diverse religious backgrounds. Our diversity is a source of our strength. 

To learn more about the Episcopal Church, click the links below:

The Diocese is kicking off the public phase of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire's capital campaign—From Deep Roots, New Life.

During the silent phase of the campaign, they have already raised $1.8 million toward our $2 million goal. With your continued and generous support going forward, they will reach their goal in June. 

Please check out their new From Deep Roots, New Life campaign website. The website is loaded with information about the campaign, words from Bishop Rob, an overview of the campaign, impact stories, and their public phase brochure, which you can also find in our Church Narthex.

This campaign is focused on investing in our people, not buildings. From Deep Roots, New Life allows the Diocese to create a lasting endowment to train, place, and support the lay and ordained leaders in our churches—all our churches, both big and small.

Starting with Bishop Rob's message that you can view HERE, and continuing for the next five weeks, the Diocese will distribute six short videos, which will be shared here in our Wednesday Notes. Each of the subsequent videos is a firsthand testimonial that explains the impact of one of our five funding priorities: The School for Ministry, the Bishop’s Curates Fund, the Ministerial Development Fund, the Gospel-Oriented Communities Fund, and the Coaching Fund, and demonstrate that the initiatives supported by From Deep Roots, New Life are already making a big difference in our church communities.

Our own Michael Reinke is on the Steering Committee for the campaign, so please feel free to reach out to him if you have any questions.